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lake Maury in Aveyron

The lake of Selve in Aveyron (also called Lake of Maury) spread over 167ha. The campsite is located at the south-east point of the lake.

According to the needs of water for the dam of Maury or water level of the river Lot, the level of the lake can vary.

EdF (the French electricity companie) however guarantees us a water level for the summer period. Out of season, the lake level can vary by several meters, and you will have to walk 100 meters or more to reach the shore. Typically, the lake rises from March to May, then stabilizes from June to August. From the beginning of September, the lake drops quite quickly.

Certain particularly harsh winters force EdF to produce more and more. The lake can then drop sharply, until the ruins of the old farms and the old bridge of the Oustrac appear. In front of the campsite, we can see the 2 rivers that meander through the old meadows. A grandiose and spectacular decor. In general, the lake returns to a normal level at the end of May / beginning of June.

You can always have an idea of the level of the lake and observe the evolution over the past year by looking at the photos taken live by our webcam.

But whatever the level of the lake in summer, our private pontoon, which can accommodate 16 boats, offers comfortable and practical access for water activities.

hydravion et paddle

In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron

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